My food philosophy is simple – eat real food.

Prioritize ingredients

…as close to their natural state as possible and make sure to have a rainbow of color on your plate. It’s a back-to-basics approach where the complexity of our current food supply is stripped away. No more artificial preservatives, colors, flavors or ingredients you can’t pronounce. Essentially, get rid of all the nasties! 


Eating clean and healthy isn’t about labels, dietary dogma or the latest trend

it’s about food that’s nourishing for your unique body. I’m gluten-free  and go light on grains and sugar and milk (allergic) as I’ve found it to be the most nourishing for my body. But you may be different! Just because a tomato is loaded with nutrients does not mean your body will respond favorably to it. 

Nourishing your body with food means listening to how your body responds to food – and all of us are beautifully unique. If you start with real, nutrient-dense, whole foods and remember mindful, intuitive eating – you’ve just taken one giant leap in the direction of improved health.

The mind and body are inextricably connected.

What affects one affects the other. Food affects your brain and thoughts affect your digestion and immune system. Any way you slice and dice it you come to the same conclusion – health is holististic practice which incorporates the mind, body and spirit.

There’s an old Irish proverb that says,

“A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor’s book.”

And I’d have to agree. Yet, these simple words of wisdom are sometimes forgotten in our always busy, always connected, always “on the go” lifestyles. So let’s change that!

From my own wellness journey and that of my coaching clients I can tell you what I see time and again. Nutrient-dense, high-quality foods provide a foundation for wellness. But the tipping point for long term health and happiness is rooted in positive lifestyle changes.

I share the belief with IIN (Institute for Integrative Nutrition) that our primary foods are not what we put into our mouths but what we put into our souls.

You can only achieve true mental and physical health when you have complete knowledge of your entire life.

I have studied more than 100 dietary plans. For general well-being and overall health I would introduce you to an Ayurvedic approach  because it shows the impact of your nutrition, self -care,  relationships, mental state and lifestyle on  the way you feel.  The word “ayur” means life and the word “verda” means, knowledge.

I’d love to hear from you!